Why Godse killed Gandhi Ji?

09:03 |
Tags: Why Godse killed Gandhi Ji in Telugu, Reason Behind Gandhiji's Murder in India, Godsay Murdered Gandhi original Photo and Video Leaked. Fact behind Gandhiji's Murder. Gandhi is treated as father of nation, But Why Godsey Murdered Gandhiji cruely? Whatl's the Reason behind that Murder?

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127 Years Old Lady From China

08:50 |

The Picture you are seeing above is a Old Woman who was born on July 9, 1885, She is now127 years old, and recorded as oldest person in the world. Her name is Luo Meizhen lives with her only son, he was around 61 years old person.

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Important Toll Free Numbers (Must Watch)

11:35 |
Hai Friends, Here i am providing some important Toll Free Numbers in India which are used in Emergency purpose, Most of the people dont know all These Numbers, Please make a not of the required ones, You can see Current Office, Police, Aids, Railways, Rice Trading, Fire Engine, Ambulance, Mee Seva, Crime, Voter ID, Blood Bank, APSRTC Toll Free Number, 108 Emergency Services, Telephone Complaints

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64 Talents - 64 Kalalu List

04:17 |

Does anyone knows the comeplete List of 64 Talents ( 64 కళలు  ) As per the Indian Heritage we have 64 Talents in India, Like Action, Comedy, Singing, Dance , Hardwork etc.. Here i am Providing the Complete List of All the 64 Talents. Check below

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Traffic Penality Slabs - Must Read

04:02 |
Every One Makes a mistake, Some will Do uknowingly and some will do wantedly, When atraffic police catch your bike when you made a mistake, You will be in mood to escape from him as soon as possible, If that Police demands you 1000 Rs then automatically your mind searches 1000 Rs from your pocket of from your friends Pocket :P But Do your know the slabs for the traffic penality? How can you blindly pay the fine for the mistake? Just Find out this List of penalities posted below

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How To Pay Electricity Bill Online In Hyderabad

07:58 |
Hai, Check out the process of Paying the Current Bills in Hyderabad, Using this Post you can able to Check or Pay the Bill in Hyderabad

 We can pay through Credit card/Debit Card Or Internet Banking

There are Two options in paying bill 
1.Pay Current Bill 
2.Pay Advanced Bill

If you wanted to pay for current due, you can select Current bill 
and if you wanted to pay Advance Amount For future Bills Then Select the second Option
To Pay Your Bill Click here

To Check Your Current Bill Amount Click here

This is a very Easy process for Paying your bill through online, but there will be some services charges for this around 10 Rupees.
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What Is The Difference Between Independence day And Republic day?

11:49 |
Many people like me are in some confusion about the thing that What is the difference between independence day and republic day?   you can think this is small thing but i bet you that many people dont know thw difference between these two. Those who know this can please close this window and who wanted to know about this can please read the Text below the Image
 India achieved independence from British  rule on August 15, 1947. August 15 which we call as Independence Day. After attaining independence, a Constituent Assembly was set up to draft a constitution for the country. This constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950, when India became a Republic. So we celebrate this as aRepublic Day.
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